Please can we have step files back in exports, so they can be exported to programs like Rhino?
I don’t ever remember STP files being an export option. STL is in there.
Don’t mistake STP format with NURBS modeling in CAD, and polygonal modeling in nomad and polygonal format STL for 3d printing. Also STL bad to use for transferring polygons, it lacks of hierarchy, colors, etc, it’s only for 3d printing!
Given how Rhino3D ALREADY accepts the overwhelming majority of what Nomad can export, This request is nothing but a waste of time.
Rhino3D’s IMPORT listing:
- glTF
- FBX (MotionBuilder)
STEP is a CAD format, which is fundamentally different than polygonal ones.
Step is nurbs based, nomad is poly based. Tessellating/triangulating step files is non trivial, its generally why that feature is only found in dedicated nurbs modellers like Rhino and CAD tools.
I’d say that any software than handles nurbs knows how to tesselate them since they always do this for rendering purposes. It’s always tris in the end.
What’s really not trivial (if not impossible) is to do the opposite.
You cannot generate CAD from polygons.
Except if you use crazy complex mesh analysis algorithm but afaik there is 0 software than can do that.