Some artwork experiment in Nomad

So much details. How did you do the tubes? Is this Nomad by hand or an import?

Hi @knacki !

Im using tube tool in nomad.
You can also setup for radius every point :smiley:

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Thank you. A nice but tedious idea!

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Very detailed. Excellent use of Nomad’s tool kit.

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Great sculpt! :+1:t2:

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thank you John :slight_smile:

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Thank you Adam :slight_smile:I learn alot from all of you guys…thanks again!

Cool works!

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You are so good you make me wanna cry :disappointed_relieved:
Awesome in the array of thought things to do, hands, rings, great drapery on the cloth.

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thank you Josepmy for the support :slight_smile:

Thank you MojoMan, I’m practicing by reference from real stuff actually :sweat_smile:

Still, you exhibit a lot of technical command w/ Nomad that far exceeds mine after about 4 months.

Thank you…Stay practicing bro…I did almost every night after working time to learn this app and sculpting, bcs it’s always exciting :sweat_smile:

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Hi everyone!
I just try to experiment with faking SSS in Nomad and I think it’s not bad result…
But I still need to exploring more…

Without faking :

With faking :


Reminds me of “BRAINS… BRAAAAINS…”

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:joy: Thank you Genko

Christmas is coming! Hohohooooo!! :santa:


Awesome work, very intricate!!

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thank you John :slight_smile:

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Nice Christmas sculpt. :+1:t2:

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