Good resource for free or inexpensive 3D objects/assets

I already posted this in the Tips and Tutorials Section, but then I realized that’s probably the wrong place to put this, and this section would probably be better. Does anyone here have any recommendations for free or inexpensive 3D object/asset collections? I’m thinking basic objects, shapes, etc, essentially bits and pieces I can import into my Nomad Sculpt projects. I would really appreciate any recommendations. The files would have to be licensed for commercial use, that way if I later decide to sell any of my designs, I don’t end up having problems.

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Also check 3D printing websites (thingverse, thangs, cults3d, printables, minifactory etc). They usually have license information for the models.

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Thank you, I’ll have to check that out! :+1:t2:

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Thank you for the recommendations, I’ll have to check those out! :+1:t2: